The original Church Hall was built by the villagers themselves on the vicarage orchard from mainly prefabricated concrete with work being carried out almost every evening and Saturday over a period of 12 months in 1951 and 1952. A kitchen extension was built in 1960, again by voluntary labour.
It was built because the School buildings became no longer available for community use. The cost was raised by loans and fundraising in the village.
By 2007 it became clear that the hall would not survive much longer as its facilities and structure were out of date with modern requirements, so local residents came together to plan a replacement.
The designs and planning were well established when, in 2010, an amazing act of generosity took place.

The existing Batheaston Church Hall was the brainchild of the then Vicar, Rev. Reg. Evans.

Unfortunately it was decided that the Hall had reached the end of its workable life. Following a party put on and attended by the local residents to celebrate the place within the community for over 50 years, it was demolished in June.
At the same time, it became apparent that with inflation and the complex design of the Hall, an alternative, less costly option was needed.
To address this need and progress the New Village Hall, a refreshed team of Trustees, under the new leadership of George Riley, was formed in 2018 and following further consultations, a new building was designed at much reduced cost with a local Architect donating significant time to the project.
Finally, challenges to the approved plans were dropped paving way for the project to proceed. The delays were recognised as frustrating and very costly but solid support from the Batheaston community showed that the New Village Hall was a worthy project and one to urgently progress before costs spiraled further out of reach.
The new hall was designed and planning approval from B&NES planners was given. Unfortunately, the design at that time, although approved by planning, raised several issues that were formally challenged, resulting in the project failing to get off the ground. Sadly, several years were lost and much energy spent which were to fully test the resolve of the New Village Hall Trustees.
The residents had created some designs and started planning but hadn’t been able to move forward. However Patsy Townsend, a lifelong Batheaston resident, sadly passed away leaving behind a generous legacy. This legacy was the funds from the sale of her home. Using these funds a charity was set up by local residents to administer them and to move the project forward.
By this time it had become clear that the hall would not survive much longer as its facilities and structure were out of date with modern requirements, so local residents came together to plan a replacement.
The villagers again banded together to build a kitchen extension.
The existing Batheaston Church Hall was the brainchild of the then Vicar, Rev. Reg. Evans. It was built because the School buildings became no longer available for community use. The cost was raised by loans and fundraising by the village. The hall was then built by the villagers volunteering their time on evenings and Saturdays over a period of 12 months. It was built mainly out of prefabricated concrete on the vicarage orchard.