News and Events
February 2021 – The minutes from our Jan 2021 AGM (covering the period April 2019 – end of March 2020) can be accessed by clicking here.

Mike and Ruth showing our funding touching the £700,000 line. This means we have raised about £185,000 since the start of July. Tracey Rumble, a resident, who is a graphic designer, has created our “Thank You” board which is proudly positioned by the entrance to the Hall construction site. Thank you Tracey. (

This photo was taken on February 5th. The steel beams and joists are being fitted and the face stone work is progressing. The last few months have been very frustrating with the damp and cold. Hopefully the roof will be in place soon which will provide a dry space for working.

Brin on the left and Pete painting in a new total on the Thermometer of £682,000.
Within this total is a fantastic £50,000 from our local Batheaston Community, which includes £8,000 from Jane’s sketchathon and £2,000 form Amy and Emily’s raffle.

This photo was taken on 13th November 2020 and shows the internal walls going up. This is the focus for the next few weeks and after that will be the roof.

1st Nov 20 We are humbled by the generosity of a local Bath resident who has donated £25,000 to our New Village Hall. The individual wishes to remain anonymous. They have a great interest in music, theatre & the arts.

From Left to Right, Catherine, George and Jane painting up the funds raised onto our Funding Thermometer. It started on July 1st at £515,000 and Catherine shows it increasing to £645,000 by early October

28th Oct 20 – Fabulous news from Enovert Community Trust to let us know that our funding bid has been successful. We have been awarded a grant of £49,638 which exactly covers the full cost of the roof. This will take our fundraising total to £650,000.
Well done Catherine for your time and effort on this application to Enovert.

25th Sept 20 – Our second successful funding application in a week. We are extremely pleased to have been told that we have been awarded a £35,000 pledge by Garfield Weston Foundation. The grant will be paid when we have secured the funds needed to build the hall. Well done Brin, a whopping 5,500 word application was well rewarded in the end.

19th Sept 20 – We have just received notification that we have ben awarded a £11,000 grant from the Allchurches Trust. A big thankyou to them from the BNVH Trustees. Pam is particularly pleased as she developed a good rapport with Ian from Allchurches Trust.
4th Sept 2020 – Foundations have now been laid
24th July 2020 – Groundbreaking Event at the Village Hall site – 3:30pm. All welcome, please observe social distancing guidelines. We have just discovered that building of the Old Hall Church Hall started on 24th July 1951. The Church Hall was completed and opened on 24th June 1952.
21st July 2020 – Building Work to commence
9th July 2020 – Local Fundraising campaign launched. All households in Batheaston were hand delivered a project update and an appeal to help with funding.

News and Events
The locals story
Fundraising Sky Dive Video
Fundraising Sky Dive Video
Click here to watch the video of the sky dive that raised £1,500
Click Here